The roots of aromatherapy can be traced back more than 3,000 years ago. It’s the art and science of using naturally extracted aromatic essences, (essential oils) from plants to support physical, psychological, and spiritual wellbeing.

Working alongside other traditional methods, aromatherapy can provide an additional level of support to the mind and body by opening energetic pathways, (which become blocked and end up manifesting as physical ailments and/or emotional issues), and returning one back to a natural state of harmony and balance.

By working with botanical aromas directly, aromatherapy is one of the fastest acting, nontoxic, and effective ways of elevating the mood, calming the mind, and easing muscular aches and pains.


Essential oils are the primary therapeutic tool of aromatherapy, either by direct absorption through the skin or inhalation of the nose.


When you inhale an essential oil, you absorb up to 70% of the vapors into your body as the particles first travel through your nasal passages, interacting with your olfactory system, (the source of our sense of smell) and quickly stimulating the brain.

The olfactory nerves terminate in the olfactory bulb then send messages to the limbic system, also called the ‘seat of emotions’ and supports functions such as motivation, learning, and memory. Unlike all other senses, (touch, taste, smell, sight, and hearing), the link to the brain is direct and immediate, making smell our most powerful, (and most neglected) sense. In addition, when we inhale essential oils, molecules travel to our lungs and enter our bodies through our respiratory systems.

*Inhaling: It takes 22 seconds for an essential oil to reach the brain. 


When essential oils are applied to the skin, they enter our system by absorption and dispersed throughout the body. Essential oils are quite small on a molecular level, they easily pass through the dermal layers of the skin, are absorbed directly into the bloodstream, cross the blood-brain barrier, and penetrate the cell membrane.

*Topically: It takes 2-3 min for an essential oil to reach the bloodstream, 20 minutes to affect every cell in the body and 30 minutes to fully metabolize.



Essential oils are highly concentrated, volatile, aromatic extracts that are derived from a variety of aromatic plant material including: flowers, fruits/zests, grasses, leaves, needles, twigs, resins, roots, seeds, and woods. Each essential oil consists of 2-200+ individual chemical components working in synergy to provide a wide range of therapeutic benefits.

These highly concentrated plant extracts contain active chemical compounds that give a plant a particular aroma, (citrusy, woody, minty, floral, or spicy) which plants produce to attract pollinators, defend against insects or other plants, or attacks, (bacterial or fungal). These chemical agents also lend essential oils their antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and antiviral properties.


Essential oils are produced by one of two primary methods of extraction: steam-distillation or cold pressing, (a process unique to citrus peel or rind oils). The plant’s aromatic features (leaves, flowers, roots, etc.) go through a steam distillation process to extract the oil. The liquid that distills off is considered the plant’s essence, while the smaller amount of liquid that remains is the essential oil.

The end product is a highly concentrated, volatile, therapeutic-grade essential oil that harnesses the maximum potency and health benefits. Since essential oils are so highly concentrated, they need to be diluted in order to be safe and effective on the skin. By contrast, lower grade essential oils, (which unfortunately make up the market today) are often extracted through chemical processes or with solvents to increase yield and profit.



Some of the areas essential oils work on:

Psyche and Emotion anxiety, stress, depression, fear, insomnia, nervous system

Muscular aches and pains, arthritis, inflammation, joint pain

Detox circulation, digestion, eliminate toxins, lymphatic drainage, purify organs/glands

Immune Support antimicrobial, antibacterial, antiviral, wound healing, cold, flu, allergies

Ayurveda balances each dosha: vata, pitta, kapha

Anti-aging antioxidant, soothing, nourishing, hydrating, a natural glow from within


Essential oils can heal the physical body, balance the nervous system, stabilize the endocrine system, regulate sleep, and increase our spiritual awareness. One of the most amazing things about essential oils is their ability to solve everyday ailments naturally as an alternative to over-the-counter solutions, without the side effects of drugs, which only mask the pain.

Essential oils are natural, non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and adaptogenic: they have the capacity to heal and bring about change based on what the body needs now. As much as we are connected to technology, we have become even more disconnected from nature. By reaffirming our connection with nature and utilizing the power of botanicals, our path to well-being will ultimately be supported.